Houston's Dependable Window Cleaning Team

Window Cleaning

Instantly boost your home's curb appeal with our professional window cleaning and pressure washing for Houston! We use a gentle method called soft washing that uses a combination of eco-friendly detergents and low water pressure to safely and efficiently clean your exterior windows without leaving behind annoying streaks. The detergents break down dirt and grime, which we then rinse away with gentle pressure washing, providing a safe and efficient clean.

You can even bundle with gutter cleaning & brightening for the ultimate home improvement package! Just give us a call at 832-404-2575 to get a free quote and schedule your Houston window cleaning today!

Exterior Glass Washing For Homes

Unlock the brilliance of your property with our premier exterior window cleaning services. Employing cutting-edge techniques and eco-friendly solutions, we banish dirt, grime, and streaks, revealing crystal-clear views and maximizing natural light. Our skilled technicians meticulously attend to every pane, ensuring a streak-free shine that enhances your home's aesthetic appeal.

Elevate your curb appeal and impress visitors with pristine windows that reflect the pride you take in your space. Trust Xtreme Kleen Pressure Washing for unparalleled exterior window cleaning services that illuminate your property's beauty and leave a lasting impression.

Contact your local experts Xtreme Kleen Pressure Washing Today!

Soft Washing For More Effective Window Cleaning

Soft washing offers a superior cleaning method for windows by using a gentle yet effective approach. Unlike traditional pressure washing, which can be too harsh for delicate surfaces like windows, soft washing utilizes low-pressure water combined with eco-friendly cleaning solutions.

This method removes dirt, grime, and pollutants without causing damage or leaving streaks behind. Soft washing reaches into crevices and eliminates stubborn buildup, resulting in sparkling clean windows that enhance the appearance of your home. It's a safe and efficient solution that preserves the integrity of your windows while delivering exceptional results, leaving them bright and streak-free.

Frequently Asked Window Cleaning Questions

The frequency of window cleaning depends on factors such as location, weather conditions, and personal preference. As a general guideline, it's recommended to have windows cleaned at least twice a year, ideally in spring and fall, to maintain clarity and maximize natural light.

Yes, our experienced team is equipped to clean windows at height using safe and effective methods such as ladders, extension poles, and water-fed poles. We prioritize safety and adhere to industry standards for working at heights.

Xtreme Kleen Pressure Washing CTA

See The Difference With Our Houston Pressure Washing Experts